i recently noticed my left eyelid droops lower than my right eyelid. recently i had a maxillary sinus fracture. could a maxillary sinus fracture result in enopthalamos?
ANSWER: Dear Jonathan,
The superior wall ( roof) of the maxillary sinus is the same as the floor of the orbit. A fracture involving this wall of the maxillary sinus can cause enophthalmos. We shallneed a CT Scan to determine what exactly is the case.
You can e mail the report to
Hope this helps,
Dr Anand Shroff
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hello Dr. Shroff
I sent the medical records to you, were you able to receive them? Looking forward to your feedback. Thank you for your help sir.
Dear Jonathan,
Yes I did, you have a fracture of the maxillary sinus and hence the enophthalmos.Also, there is deviation of the nasal septum, however do not know if this was pre existing or happened after the injury, but this too can cause enophthalomos if due to the injury.
You need to see either an occuloplastic surgeon or a maxillofacial surgeon
Hope this helps,