Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bifocal Lenses

Hello. I am currently a college student wearing bifocals. I was wondering if it is a possibility to get contacts with bifocal prescription. I know this is a silly question to ask but the reason I am wondering is with note taking in college and even sitting in the front, my glasses chop the words in half while note taking and I often lose track of where I am due to this problem. Thank You

Yes, I have often fit young people with bifocal contact lenses.  It is not silly at all for the exact reason you described - taking notes in class is difficult otherwise if you need bifocals.  

Whether you personally can be fit with bifocal contact lenses will depend on several factors related to your prescription (soft bifocals that correct astigmatism for example do not work for everyone  and some prescriptions do better in gas permeable contact lenses than soft)  but your doctor will be able to determine this, provided you have a doctor who likes to fit bifocal contact lenses.  Not all do.  

Lastly, if the bifocal contact lenses are not for you for one reason or another, there is something that always works.  You can always put half-eye reading glasses over the contact lenses so when you look down you are looking through the readers.  You could just put them on when in class and you expect to have to take notes.