I woke up this morning with my left eye rather puffy, I used to suffer badly with sty's on this eye but haven't had any for about 4 years, I have however had different sleeping patterns and been feeling tired, but the puffyness is only effecting the one eye and top lid.
I'd be grateful if you could help me,
Thank you,
Yours sincerly
Hi Ceyda-Simone,
The puffiness could be an infection like a stye, an allergic response or an insect bite. Worst worry would be the infection, so if there is a small localized tenderness like a stye, use warm compresses through the day for several days to see if it improves. While a cool compress would be better for allergy, the allergic response is usually brief, happens suddenly, and doesn't hurt much. If the lid is swollen, warm, and tender, it should be seen by a doctor as it may get worse and extend behind the eye. Since you've had styes before, you know what they're like. If you think this is worse then see a doctor. If the swelling has reduced since awakening that is a good sign and you can wait and see how you do. Sorry not to be exact, but not being able to look at it leaves only the possibilities to discuss rather than the answer.
Mitch Axelrod,OD